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The Up4 The Challenge team provides information and services for the benefit of the public. Access to and use of its services, domain(s), website, program and information materials are subject to applicable laws and terms of use provided by Up4 The Challenge, as set out in this notice and otherwise provided for from time to time, including, but not limited to our Privacy Policy at

All domains and content (text, images, etc.), published and unpublished, is subject to copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws worldwide, and is used by Up4 The Challenge with the permission of the authors, with all rights reserved unless otherwise noted. In accordance with applicable law, the content may not be copied, distributed, downloaded, modified, edited, reused, reproduced, transmitted, performed, displayed, or otherwise used or controlled by any mechanical or electronic means, without the written permission of Up4 the Challenge, or the author of the content.

Any content that is a trademark, logo, or service mark is also a registered and/or unregistered trademark reserved for the exclusive use of Up4 The Challenge, including without limitation, UP4 THE CHALLENGE and UP4 DESIGN (logo).

Inquiries regarding Up4 The Challenge's services, programs, website, and intellectual property rights may be directed to the Up4 The Challenge team at

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